Our Beginning

I was nearing burnout from my job as a treatment director at a residential program for teens, when I heard the news. It was March 5th, 2000, when the news broke of a first grader shot and killed another six- year- old. On that day it became clear to me that we weren’t doing enough in this country around prevention.

Twenty plus years later, with seven books, national keynotes and consulting with all levels of education worldwide, I still feel compelled to do more. With a world class team we know the intersection of individual and organizational health is the key to addressing key threats to education.

Preventing the continued erosion of mental health in schools, both for students who often result to violence or faculty who are prone to burnout, is our main focus. TeacherCoach has innovated new ways of integrating personal growth with professional development, bringing humor, fun, and learning to both faculty and families in your school community.

We are a small company with a large national presence. We partner with districts to provide our unique brand of support, customized to meet the needs and challenges of your community. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you in the near future.

We are privileged to support the most important profession on the planet- educators.

- Jared Scherz, Ph.D., M.Ed.



EAP, Coaching & Web Events Targeting

Addiction Intimacy Burnout
Anger Divorce Leadership
Anxiety Conflict Mentoring
Depression Negotiation Safety
Health Teamwork  Violence

Questions? We'd love to hear from you!

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